
Saturday, July 23, 2011

my physic teacher





说起他,在学校2010年form5的st.boy都知道他的座右铭是“SHIT!!”。我要说的是,他教书时,生动有趣表情夸张, 而且还能飙高音

在教书时,他的表情的确实很夸张,在不同的时候都会有不停的夸张表情。举个例子,在你答错问题时,他会做到一副很夸张的样子,假装好像要晕倒,有时还会倒退几步。他也常常会举一些好像很有趣但又sien到半死的例子,就像如果大象撞到老鼠,老鼠会飞很远;或如果一个石头丢上去了,不会跌下来,一直往上移动,那我们要怎样?答案就是“run”因为“ada hantu”。在飙高音的部分,他也不会输给小胖。如果当年Whitney Houston的 “I wil always love you”拿来 Malaysia给他唱,我现在就没有physic老师了。

在学校除了他的同事,他还有一位朋友—Ah Hao,那就是我们的jeffrey大哥。他就是一只黑色的ichigo。

最后,也是应该介绍我是谁了。我就是……“灯..灯..灯..灯..”….我就是…就是….他的师兄。我是他货真价实,确确实实,真真不假,的师兄。他还要称呼我一声“see heng”。


To make or produce a synthetic blood (darah tiruan) that look like the real blood.

The blood will looks like the real blood if produce according to my secret recipe.

No variable

Materials & apparatus
a glass, spoon, cold water(1 glass), cooking oil(a spoon), salt(fine salt)(1/2 glass), flour(wheat flour)(1 glass), cream of tata(krim of tata)(a spoon) and Nescafe(a spoon).

Clot of the blood
1. Mix the flour with the cream and then stir them until they mix up together completely.
2. Add the water and cooking oil and then stir them again.
3. Cook(masak or panaskan) it while stirring the mixture.
4. After that add Nescafe and stir it then left it until it cold(to room temp).
5. When cold, pour it into a bottle and keep in the refrigerator .
6. Take it out when needed. Pour on your skin to let it clot.
(salt is used to let the blood to become more thicker)


Blood in liquid form(cecair)
1. Add a glass of syrup(double lion brand syrup is recommend) mix with a glass of water and a spoon of Nescafe. (in process of cooking)
2. Then let it cold.
3. Add a bit of flour and stir until the mixture is mix up and dilute.
4. Then keep it in refrigerator .
5. Take it out when it is needed.
(salt may added to let the solution more thicker)

1. Just use BUNCO water color, (biru tua) + purple
2. Mix and stir it.
3. Done

If u wan do like bone break (tulang patah), u may use the bone of chicken, then boil it and add some salt to remove the smell.
Then break the bone to make it look like tulang patah.
Then , use it with the blood u make to …bluff people!!!!